How Personal Branding Can Help Your Business

Personal branding is the process of creating a public persona for a target audience. It entails accurate and careful communication about your purpose, beliefs, goals and values. Think about Nike as the largest brand’s public image. The company has formed a brand around supporting those living active lifestyles, building high-performance products and celebrating athletes. You […]

Why I Love My Job At The Creative Agency

I’ve never thought that I would be working in an agency but here I am today, a digital marketer at ALQ Creative. Of course, occasionally, hiccups happen on the job. It’s inevitable. Life in the creative or digital agency is fast paced and can be ruthless. But still, I love what I do. As Confucious once […]

Our Story: When Han Met Liya #HanxPrincessLiya

Whenever someone asks how we met each other, we always mention the same thing over and over. Some of you might already have known that I met Liyana (Princess Liya) at a common friend’s birthday party but what if the true story was that we’ve already crossed path many years before that? Would you believe […]

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