How To Get Blog Post Ideas For Your Business

Your business blog can be a powerful tool for generating potential opportunities and especially more so, if you do it right. You can use it to inform your target market about your industry, challenges and solutions to these problems.

To do this, you have to use a marketing strategy to reach potential customers by providing the right information. Again, it’s equally important not to sell your product or service through your blog aggressively.

All you need is to have a tone that’s not only instructive but also fun. The most urgent question, therefore remains; how do you get blog post ideas for your business that will keep the readers’ attention and attract new readers.

Here are some ideas that you should try out right away.

Answering Questions

Think about the questions you are often asked about and answer them in the blog post. Add a story that shows the answer.

Make sure you avoid technical terms. It’s a good idea for someone who is not in your industry to read your blog and see if they completely understand your answer to this question.

Have a play-off on current industry events

If the latest events in your industry affect some customers, the first one will discuss how your product or service can help them solve these problems.

Set up a Google Alert with keywords relevant to your industry to get the latest information about what’s happening, then expand your post for each keyword.

This approach allows you to achieve two things.

Firstly, it positions your organization as knowledgeable about your industry.

Secondly, when your prospects and clients perceive you as an expert, they will start to have confidence in your offers.

If they trust your business, they are much more likely to buy from you.

Create a checklist

Share checklist that can assist people in your industry will find valuable. You may also share checklist that customers can follow as well.

For example, if you are a web developer, create a list of things your readers can do to have an optimised website. You can have each item in a separate blog entry, and the recipients will be returning for updates.

You can include product comparisons, what not to do, and other good tips.

Use testimonies from your customers

When a customer uses your product and/or service and achieves great success, ask him/her to write a reference that you can publish on your site.

Then write a post based on their credentials, explain what their challenge is and how your company helped solve their problems. Add a video to your blog entry, highlighting how your business has contributed in a particular way to meet the needs of this client.

Have a small exposure to the behind-the-scenes on what your company does

Before that, you should be cautioned not give your secret formulas in any way. Try to show readers how you design the product.

For example, describe the steps that go from market research to sales. You can use a video. People enjoy watching the process.

Have a series of posts

If you are writing about a problem that is quite complex, divide it into several posts within a week or two. That will encourage readers to regularly visit your blog to hear what you have to say.

Demonstrate the different ways in which your readers can use your product/service. The instructional list is a great way to briefly show readers how to use your product or service best.

Old emails from customers

The old emails from your customers can provide you with insights in finding out what customers really want to know. From here, you can also find out if any part of your business is confusing in the public opinion.

Chances are if several people have sent an e-mail about it, others think about it.


It may be difficult to find inspiration for your blog articles, which is one of the reasons why many companies outsource their business blogs. If you want to create a blog or two of your blogs for your company, but are finding for ideas, it is usually only a matter of looking and what surrounds you.

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Picture of Hanafi Mohd Sam

Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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