Unlocking Your Website’s True Potential

There are tons of accessible information on the Internet on how to build your site, so I thought it would be good to share with you just a little more. Read on to discover how to unlock the true potential your website.

  • Your visitors are generally in a rush. You have between 3 to 7 seconds to engage and capture their attention before they hit the back button and go elsewhere, so optimize the load time on your pages, avoid those large graphics, compress whenever possible, and use flashy technology like streaming video/audio minimally.
  • Start with the simple things. Become proficient with those and then think about how you can improve on that. Don’t worry if your first attempt at web building isn’t overly impressive.
  • If you sell products/services that your visitor is going to find using the search engines, you need to make sure that the first thing they see when you arrive on your site is those items.
  • If you sell products or services, you will need a secure shopping cart so that you can accept credit card payments.
  • Look for popular sites and use them as a model sample. They don’t have to be related to what you do. What you are looking to do is incorporate into your website what those bigger more powerful sites and learn from them. I’m not saying that you should be a copycat, but I am saying you should learn from the best.
  • If you opt to hire a professional to do the build on your site because it’s complicated, you need to keep in mind that these programmers are in most cases, not graphic designers, so consider having a graphic designer on your team too, as well as a copywriter for content.
  • You must never violate the trust of those visitors that come to your site. Respect their privacy, don’t sell their email addresses, don’t spam them, don’t use annoying pop-ups, and don’t bombard them with ads. Give them a clear, concise message about what your privacy statement is. That’s how you build credibility. Provide contact information that is legitimate, and list your location.
  • If you use content that comes from another website (picture, video, content) make sure you have their permission and that they are given the appropriate credit. If you do not, you could find yourself sued.

There you have it – some of the best traits about running a successful website!


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Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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