If you’re a business owner and you’re reading this, then I assume that you probably already know the importance of blogging. For those who aren’t sure whether blogging will really benefit their business, this article aims to answer all your doubts and convince you of the merits of having a blog for your website.
With blogging, you can build a relationship with your audience, attract customers, and generate leads. Blogging also helps you to improve your visibility in major search engines. Here are 4 reasons why businesses should blog.

1) Business Blogging is FREE marketing!
If you own a business, you should be blogging. It’s a good idea for several reasons. Blogging is free marketing. You can spend a whole lot of money on marketing, but you can always get returns from free marketing like blogging.
Blogging is easy, and if you’re not technical, there are plenty of tools to help you get set up quickly. Blogging is fast. You can write a blog post in 20 minutes or less, which isn’t the case with other forms of content marketing like video or podcasts.
You don’t need anyone else’s permission to start or stop writing your blog. Your blog is easy to update and change if your business needs change. If you’re not sure where to start with your blog, there are great resources out there to help you get started.
2) It helps you meet a new audience
With blogging, you can share your expertise. Blogging gives you an opportunity to share your knowledge with the public. You will find that some people will be interested in what you have to say while others may not be interested at all.
Regardless, blogging has the potential to give your business a new audience that could turn into customers or clients if you are able to attract them to your site.
You can provide information on your products and services. A blog is a great place for you to discuss the products and services that you provide to your customers, especially when they relate to something that you write about frequently or that is very popular at any given time.
3) It keeps you visible and relevant
Nobody wants to talk to a dead horse. Bloggers have a vested interest in keeping their blog posts fresh and relevant because otherwise, people stop following them.
The more new content you have for your blog, the better it’s going to do.
It’s a chance to test out new ideas. If you have an idea for a post that you’re not sure will work, why not try it out on your audience? If nobody clicks on it or interacts with it, then you know that either your idea needs some tweaking or that you need to take it in a different direction. It’s easier to get feedback when there are only a few people reading your blog.
This is also where SEO comes into play. Google has made its Search algorithm pretty smart, but it still has trouble figuring out which pages are the most relevant to what someone is searching for. By creating posts that provide information directly related to what someone is looking for, you help Google decide what pages will be the most helpful.
Your customers want to know about things that are impacting their daily lives, so sharing your knowledge can be an effective way of increasing customer loyalty and attracting new clients. Knowing that you’re there whenever they’ve got questions makes customers feel comfortable when they’re doing business with you.
4) Business blog establishes your expertise
The blog is not just a platform for you to write more articles.
Your blog serves as an online résumé, showcasing your skills to prospective clients, employers, and partners.
Your blog helps you build your reputation as an expert in your field.
Business owners who blog regularly add to their knowledge base, show off their expertise and add another dimension to their reputation as experts in their business. This puts you as a thought leader.
This reputation will lead customers to you when it’s time for them to buy what you have to sell.
It is not easy to write a blog.
For one thing, it takes time and effort, and when you do have time, you’d rather be doing something else. I understand. I feel the same way too.
I’ve developed a love-hate relationship with writing.
But here’s what you can do: Find someone else to write blogs for you.
If you can’t be bothered to write your own blog, hire someone else to do it for you. There are people out there who will be glad of this work and who will tell you that they can maintain a steady stream of interesting content.
Conclusions on business blogging
Businesses should blog because it lets them tell their story. And telling your story works.
We now understand why business owners need to blog for their own businesses.
The purpose of a blog is to build a relationship with your customers. When they feel connected to your business, they buy from you, and when they feel connected to the people who work there, they trust you. That trust leads them to buy from you again.
First published on: https://guidedhustle.com/blog/4-reasons-every-business-needs-to-blog/