Behind Every Great Content

All hail the king! All hail the king!

I know this might be cliche or cheesy but with great content, comes great responsibility. Content is king. Period.

You can do so much with content. You can create emotions, bring a story to life and even make a person buy your product.

Who knows more about your product if not you, right? Not the person selling you that cup of coffee every morning, not the kid next door and not even your spouse.

It is your responsibility to share that knowledge. Even more so if you strongly believe that your product will benefit mankind. You don’t want others who don’t posses the knowledge that you have to be left behind. That would be selfish!

Today, in the world of content marketing, everything needs to be taken into consideration. If content is king, then it is only right that content be given the respect.

For example, if you are to release a written copy, here are some of the things you might need to consider:

  1. A compelling headline
  2. A subtitle or a brief to get them started
  3. A couple videos/images
  4. Solutions or tips to existing problems
  5. Call-to-action

This is just the tip of the iceberg. This is the simplest form of content marketing. If you think this is tough, then content marketing is not for you. Along the way, you will need to get more creative than that.

Because what good is a piece of content if it is not tracked and analysed?

How many views are you getting on that page?
Where is your traffic coming from?
How long did they stay on the page?
Who are these people?
How many actually converted?
If it’s doing good, how do you leverage on that?
If it’s not, what are the steps to be taken next?

When it comes to marketing, content is not just a perfectly written copy. It can be anything. From a copy published on your company’s blog to an image or video posted on your company’s social media.

Essentially, you need to know what engages your audience.

You also need to bear in mind that every action produces a reaction and occasionally, it might put you in a negative light.

Just like how a bad king can ruin a nation, a bad piece of content can ruin your company.

Putting up a great piece of content is not easy so put extra thought into it.

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Picture of Hanafi Mohd Sam

Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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