Maximize Your Email List with Facebook Ads

There are over one billion users on Facebook month and that number is always growing. Businesses are learning to take advantage of Facebook and the tools it offers.

Do you want to build your email list using Facebook Ads but aren’t sure how? I’m sharing some tips below on how to get more leads, more sales, and a hungry audience who looks forward to your every word.

Learn about types of ads

There are two types of Facebook ads you can use to connect with your audience: conversion ads and lead generation ads.

A conversion ad will take people to a landing page, which is useful if you want to direct people to your website.

However, if you want the user to be able to enter their email address without leaving Facebook, then you should use a lead generation ad.

Both types of ad campaigns have their advantages. Conversion ads are a great tool to direct people to drive people to a targeted landing page, but lead generation ads collect email addresses without forcing users to leave Facebook.

These ads can be integrated with your current email marketing software.

Offer users something of value

When you create an ad, think about offering your audience something they want in exchange for their email address. You can create a giveaway, where people fill out a form for a chance to win a prize; include opt-in to receive emails on the same form.

You could offer a free sample of a product, a discount coupon, or something educational like a white paper, article, or ebook in exchange for an email address.

Think about what your audience values and give them the opportunity to get a thing of value. Sometimes this is called a “lead magnet.”

Create an eye-catching ad

When creating an ad on Facebook, it’s easy to choose your target demographics. Think carefully about your target demographic when selecting the text and image to go along with your ad.

When you are scrolling through your news feed, what makes you stop and take notice, and how can you tie that in with what you’re offering?

In many cases, the element that grabs people is video. A well-made video can catch people’s attention and is one of the best ways to get through to your audience.

A short video with a clear call to action and a memorable story can make all the difference.

Measure your ad’s performance

When your ad is up and running, let it work its magic for a day or two, and then track how effective it was at accomplishing its goal.

As time passes and more people see your ad, you should see the cost per conversion drop. Remember that to get your cost per conversion as low as possible, you may have to refine the incentive you offer, the content of your ad, or the demographics you target, but with a little trial and error, you should be able to find a formula that works.

If you have the resources, you may even want to split test the ad. That means running two different ads to see which has the best results.


If you haven’t started on advertising on Facebook for your business or services, now is the perfect time to start.

With so many eager users right at your fingertips, taking advantage of Facebook ads has never been smarter and easier. With just a few dollars and some time, you can see your email list grow, and prompt users to take your desired action.

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Picture of Hanafi Mohd Sam

Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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