Get The Most Out Of Your Facebook Post

Hi, everyone! This is Hanafi from Neu Entity.

Just the other day, I was sitting with a business owner, right? And he was wondering how to get better engagement on Facebook.

So in today’s episode, I’m going to share with you 4 ways that can help you get the most out of your Facebook post.

There are many different forms of digital marketing that you have today but I would say that Facebook is definitely one of the most popular and commonly used for marketing.

You see, part of the reason is there are more than 2 billion active users on Facebook alone.

And while Facebook is an effective way to market and can give you like a lot of potential clients or customers, I believe you should still strategise to capture the attention of every user.

One of the ways how we achieve that is to empower and innovate our Facebook posts.

So tip number 1 that I’m going to share with you is:
Use photos or videos and be as original as possible

While text statuses can be effective, people are very visual and because there are millennials using Facebook, you should also include creative shots and photos to really get their attention.

Edited photos with dramatic and humorous text over them, like this (points to side shows meme), are now a very popular as you know and that really captivates many users.

So, remember to images and videos on your post because it can be an effective way to get plenty of followers and customers.

Number 2: The timing of your post
With almost 757 million users that visits Facebook every day, of course you don’t want posting at the same time as mostly have.

If the kind of content that you are planning to post may appeal to users who are awake early in the morning or late at night, try posting off-peak hours. Always remember that it is very easy to schedule Facebook posts in advance.

Number 3: The use of brand hashtags
According to a certain study, posts with hashtags perform best than those which do not have.

So, before you dismiss the idea of including this, try and use them for yourself first. It might make sense for you especially if it will be contributing to your own brand positioning. #neuentity lol

Number 4: Buy Ads
If you want to have a wider range of viewers, Facebook ad is the best solution for that. Of course, that will also mean you will need to use some money but you will have a better result.

Some users actually prefer to trust on a page having paid ads, so this is a great way to improve post and get the best deal of marketing.

As a businessman or woman, you should know that digital marketing is a great way to improve your business and increase the sales of the products or services.

With the help of technology in the world that we have today, it is time for you to adopt on the current trends that most people are already using.

Facebook Marketing can be the best solution to achieve the goals that you ever wanted. To make it happen, try out the methods I’ve mentioned in this video.

So that’s the end of it. I hope these tips can help you get better engagement on your Facebook page. Thank you so much for watching.

Don’t forget to like, comment and share this video if you find it helpful. See you next time!

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Picture of Hanafi Mohd Sam

Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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