Organic Growth For Instagram

There are more the 700 million active users on the Instagram and you might be struggling to get 1000 of them as your followers. The procedure to be popular on the Instagram and you can get numerous followers on Instagram if you follow the steps that we will list in this article.

Although you should give proper time to this process but you will get organic followers guaranteed and thus you can use the account for digital marketing as well. Because it is not hard to get the followers. The hard thing is to get the organic followers that can engage with your content. Follow these hack growth techniques and get real followers today.

Plan what to do

The first thing to start up with is to decide by yourself that what will be the niche of your Instagram account. For digital marketing of your business you should focus on your brand and products related to it. Now after getting the exact niche of your company don’t start to post randomly. Organize your posts according to the weeks and avoid posting same pictures again and again. Another key tip here is to not stick with the pictures only. Make small videos related to your brand and participate in live Instagram sessions. This will bring you more and more followers with in few weeks.

Use filters to good effect

Instagram has evolved since it came to birth and now it has a lot of features that you can use to good effect. Instagram has provided their users with several filters which you should consider. Give proper time to make the post edited according to the requirement. One of the reason that most of the companies find it hard to gain organic traffic is because they don’t use filters or stuck with the same filter for every post. Try to keep it simple but try something unique as compared to the last post.

Hashtag is the key

Hashtags helps your content to be seen by the people. To reach more people use more related and common hashtags. Although Instagram allows you to add up to 30 tags per post but we recommend you add at least ten related hashtags for every post. Put your brands name, product name and location in the hashtag. Your hashtags should be related to your niche because it will help you to promote your product and your company.

Engage with the community

This is the key in getting followers on the Instagram. To get more followers you must engage with more people. Always design your post that connects you with a larger community rather than the individuals. When people find something beneficial for their selves they will follow you to stay in touch and to get the latest posts about the product. You can also tag people in your posts and can ask them to share and tag other people in the post. Asking a question is the best way to engage people.

Take advantage of Instagram Management Tool

For business profiles, Instagram has provided some of the management tools that you can use to grow your business through digital marketing and can get organic followers. Because they know that business owners cannot be on Instagram for all day that is why they have introduced a tool that works as an auto pilot in Instagram. With this Instagram tool, you can automate your business profile and get enormous followers. Schedule your posts with this tool and convert your followers in customers.

By following these tips, you can easily grow your Instagram organically.

Hanafi first published this article on Neu Entity’s blog:

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Hanafi Mohd Sam

I do business consulting and brand management. My mission is to help businesses grow!
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